Hi Julie,
Yesterday was my first time posting a follow-up as well. Re: one eye being more poppy than the other, I have that too. I think the most important thing is to maintain close contact with your doctor. I am interested in the decompression surgury also but I live in Canada and I don’t know if it is very successful up here yet. I read most of the other bulletins posted and I did find out that Jake for one had it and is very happy with the results. Where do you live? I was very young when I was diagnosed with graves disease and at the time I had no interest in taking pills and taking care of the problem so I ended up having most of my thyroid removed by surgury and then I has the radio-active iodine treatment. I hope you get the information you want. It is very important to monitor your blood levels after the radio active iodine. I wish I had more sense when I was going through that. Take care and keep in touch.