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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I have had hyperthyroidism/hypothyroidism for a loooooooong time.I don’t know what’s normal. What is Normal?
    I do know that we have to look on the bright side of things, sometimes. I know that if these aches and pains don’t go away I’m gonna do something drastic like taking a nice hot bath for about FOREVER.
    I can’t wait to see my old doctor. All he would ask me is how is school? How’s family life? Planning anything new?.. while writing another prescription of some sort. At least he made me laugh.
    I’ve got another doctor who can’t believe the hypersensitivity that I had before the Graves Disease onset..”One more allergic reaction young lady, and I’m sending you to John Hopkins for sure!!) Ya, right .. in your dreams.
    I’m getting used to being a diabetic. After I changed my diet, the symptoms of GD got worst. Oh well, you know, I’m getting tired of doing this and that..I just want to get on with my life.
    Better start the ten page term page on toilet training, ha ha ha.


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