Holly, I too itch all over and the palms of my hands seem overly sensitive as is every nerve ending is at 100% capacity. Things feel course that aren’t course – bath towel in the morning, my hair, clothing, etc. I call it the “Princess and the Pea Syndrome”. I’m only on beta blockers since I was recently diagnosed. However, the skin sensitivity began with my other Graves’ symptoms prior to a diagnosis (hard, rapid heart beat, hand tremors, muscle weakness, loosing alot of hair, insomnia [it’s 4:00 am so you have company], inability to concentrate, stiff neck and shoulders, etc.
Holly, have you looked into RAI or have you already tried that? Could be it’s a regional thing with the doctors in my neck of the woods preferring that before surgery (I’m in a Univ. town with medical facilities rivaling the Mayo, or so they say). Perhaps they are recommending surgery because of the results of your thyroid scan. Forgive me for speculating as it’s obviously none of my business and certainly not my profession!Good luck and God bless, Claudia
Oh no….Not another symptom to deal with! It’s not the PTU because I
have been off for 4 mos. I’m itching all over…is it the Graves? My eyes are
very bad tonight. It’s 3:00 AM and I can’t sleep. I seem to have it all..every
thing that comes with the Graves. I’m so depressed and scared. I hated
the PTU but I’m going back on again. My levels are all out of wack and I
sure feel it. I saw a surgeon today…I guess it’s under the knife for me.
Can anyone let me know what I can expect. I’m hoping he leaves enough
to keep me from needing Synthroid. He didn’t seem very positive about
that prognosis. Sounded like he rather make me hypo than have the
Graves come back. My Grandmother was Graves Free after surgery and
live a healthy life(without medication) for 86 years. I’d like to do the same.
I will be giving Thanks on Thanksgiving 1996 for:
My wonderful husband, my beautiful children, health insurance, This BB
and a good life when I get this thing called GRAVES under control!!Wiishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving…..Holly
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