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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Howdy Theresa

    By all means go see an Ophthalmologist so he can start keeping track of your eyes. The proptosis (bulging), glaucoma and nerve problems can sneak up on you before you know it. Chances are you won’t have major problems like some of us, but I waited too long since I was told it was allergies by one doc and now I have some nerve damage.

    They have an instrument called a Hertel (sp?) that they measure the proptosis with and can watch for increases in the bulging.


    Post count: 93172

    Hey everyone,

    My eyes have been getting sore and red for a few weeks now especially
    when I am tired, should I go see an opthamologist now or is it ok to wait untill
    the end of the month when I go see my endo?

    Things are real stressful at work, being made to feel stupid by people double
    checking my work, they haven’t found any mistakes it just is very demeaning.
    So no support at work . If it wasn’t fro my insurance and benifits, I would change jo9bs in a heart beat, but then I am not going
    to get a refferance because current boss and so called office manager Don’t
    understand just because I have graves disease doesn’t mean I got stupid!

    I am realy glad this bb is here, I don’t post all the time but ai do read the bb daily and
    relate to so many posts.


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