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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi, I just found this board too. I’m brand new to the net, so be patient with me. I know exactly how you feel. I worked for years to lose weight and finally lost a fair amount, got graves and gained it all back. I stick to 1400 calories, low-fat and exercise twice a day on a mororized wieght lost…very discouraging. Hang in there. I believe we have to learn to except ourselves. pretty hard to do sometimes, huh. I’m thinking of you and understand.

    Post count: 93172

    Hi everyone!Just found this support group thing. I like this idea.I’m pretty discouraged. I used to be attractive but now feel ugly.I was hypothyroid for many years and did not know it. Then I got Graves disease. I’m like 80 or 90 lbs overweight for my frame. I avoid social outings and seeing relatives. My hair has been falling out for nine year years. I look at pictures of me in high school when I was pretty and I cry. I did lose 40 lbs when I first got Graves but all of it is now back on. I can’t seem to muster energy to exercise or diet. I’m jealous of Oprah. She lost so much weight. I also don’t have normal periods and I don’t ovulate. I tell you, I’m screwed up. Sorry if I’m depressing anyone. I just had to talk. I’m ashamed to be so ugly. from Dottie

    Post count: 93172

    Hi There! I too have gained alot of weight! I’ve gained 64 pounds
    since July 25, 1996! I can’t seem to find one single article regarding
    Graves’ and weight GAIN! I feel so gross and ugly! If anyone knows
    anything about Graves’ and weight gain, will you please e-mail me your
    thoughts on this? I would also like to know if the meds I am taking,
    PTU, will make me even fatter? I can’t seem to get any info about this
    from any of the Graves’ Disease Foundations. I weight 30 pounds more
    today, than the day I gave birth to my daughter! YIKES!

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