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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Hope! I’m new to the inter net and the bb so I can understand how you’re confused. Here’s a few quick pointers. The FAQ is at the top of the screen when you get into the GD’s bb. Just click on it and it’ll give you the answers to “frequently asked question”. Also, if you post a message and don’t see it at the top of the screen right away take your mouse and click on “reload” at the top of this screen. That should post your message. Feel free to e-mail me. I check in everyday. I know it’s frustrating. I’m not real farmiliar with all this, but this bb means so much to me that I’m learning this one pretty fast. I’m putting most of my efforts to learning this one, and the other stuff can come later. So what’s your story? How long have you had GD? etc etc etc? Trish

    Post count: 93172

    Hope-I tried to email you,your address wouldn’t go through. Have you gotten help yet? Put the curser over my name on the main board to get my address
    Susan C

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