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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I know my strength has been cut in half with this disease and I was just
    wondering when you are on Tapazole do you get tired because you are
    fighting the disease or is it the disease itself. Everyone have a safe
    and non exhausting holiday. Merry Christmas!!!

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Jan, from what I understand you get tired when you’re hyper because your body is running at full speed and then some and it’s exhausting to keep it up…thus the fatigue. I guess that’s why some people experience insomnia even tho they’re tired. So I guess that would be your body reacting to the disease. Once you get hypo you’re tired cuz there’s not enough of the hormone in your body to give you energy…so naturally you’re tired then too. Confusing? And I know my strength was pretty non-existing when I first got sick.. GD can make your muscle weak. Hopefully you’ll feel better once you even out. Try not to get too discourage.

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