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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    anyone know the best technique for getting pregnant and what risks are involved for mom and baby?

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Alexis,
    It’s not just a matter of wanting to get pregnant. You might not be able to get pregnant until you thyroid is regulated.

    Post count: 93172

    Hi everyone. I just had a question about how safe it is to get pregnant after RAI? I’m 28 years old and have never been pregnant and my doctor tells me that everything would be fine if I did become pregnant. I just worry about my health and the baby’s. Could anyone lend some advise about risks. Right now, I don’t feel well enough to get pregnant. My levels seem to change every 6 weeks. Thanks in advance to anyone that has gone thru a preganacy after RAI or anyone that might know something and not be afraid to speak the truth.

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