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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Just wanted to thank Annette,Archie,Jake and all the others who have
      made this site and bulletin board possible.Take comfort in knowing you
      have helped myself and I am sure many others in dealing with GD. This
      site has provided many answers and led me to ask the right questions.
      I couldn’t believe the number of visits to this board relative to the
      others.Proof again of what a great job you have done! So often when
      searching the web for medical (and moral) support we get lost in the
      technical mumbo-jumbo. Yet here on this board I have found more advice
      and support than anywhere else.
      Your own personal thought for the day should be to take comfort and
      feel good knowing you have helped many of your fellow human beings in
      this struggle we call life.
      Thanks to all,once again

        Post count: 93172

        I agree. I’d like to thank the people who set up this BB and spend time keeping it going. It really helps, knowing you can get information and support. There is always somewhere you can go when feeling down and get help and talk to people who have walked the walk. Thanks again. SAS

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