Woke up this morning with red burning eyes again, seems the cream the
Doctor gave me on friday isn’t working for me either!
I phoned him this morning, spoke to him about the problem and was told
that my only option was more surgery.
I guess if I lived an a area that had the required facilities it wouldn’t
be so “bad”, no such luck for me.
I have to get on a plane in order to see a surgeon that may be able to
“fix” my problem and there are no guarantees that this doctor can do
anything for me. This will be trip #6! right about now I would like to
win the lottery!
Oh well maybe I should go one step further and see a surgeon who can
do what my Opthmalogist refered to as “radical” procedures!
Apparently that is an option thats not necessary for me,or so I’m told.
One thing I am sure of and I don’t need a doctor to tell me, is that I
NEED a good nights sleep! just one right now and I’D be satisfied for a
little while, yes quite pathatic:.)
Anyway frustration will get me nowhere,have to go with the flow so to speak.
Can anyone tell me where you get those night shades that was mentioned
before(i think)? can’t seem to find it anywhere.
All the best, Shannon.