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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Mary Ann:

    Thank you for responding to my note. Keep me posted on your appointment
    of the 29th.


    Post count: 93172


    Before I knew I had Grave’s, before I was on medication, and when I miss my dosage, I felt or feel light headed, especially when I was getting ready in the morning. Sometimes I would get so lightheaded, I would get nauseaus (sp?) and as a result, have to vomit.

    My opinion on why I got light headed (note I have never asked my Doctor about it) is, becuase of my weight loss and how fast my body was burning up food. I learned in my biology 101 class this year that if our body hasn’t had food in 8 hours, or brain doesn’t function right. We need that food to keep going. Most of the times I got light headed was when I didn’t have anything in my stomach.

    Another reason I think I felt light headed was my aversion to heat. I went to New Mexico for vacation this year, before I was diagnosed. When came down from the chilly mountains to spend a warm day in White Sands, I was mysteriously sick and dizzy all day. Now I know why!

    I don’t know if you are on medication (probably), and I don’t know if any of this helped you, but I hope it did. Good luck!


    Post count: 93172

    Hello Sherette. Yes I fell light headed all the time. It is a feeling of being disoriented. Today is really bad. Don’t be depressed. I know that it is easy to be because I am quite often but we can’t let this beat us. Keep up your spirits.

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