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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hello, Mary E., I’m due in Septembre too. I don’t know if I went through my first pregnancy with GD but I’ll find that one out this coming Thursday. Did your endo say anything about breastfeading and ptu? Marie-J

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Marie, Interesting question about BF and PTU. All I know is that I
    had a very hard time nursing because of GD. I would run out of milk a
    around 3pm and be bone dry until 2am. The poor baby was always crying.
    I thought he was just a highly sensitive baby. Turns out he was just
    hungery.. He was not gaining weight either. So I put him on formula
    and it was like he turned into a different baby. He started gaining
    weight and was a very good natured baby. About a month later I found
    out about the GD. That’s wht I was’t making much milk. I thought it
    was because I was old! So at least I won’t be making the next baby
    starve. Baby will be one year old tomorrow. He was born 5 min. before
    half time of the superbowl game last year. My due date is 9/22,take
    care, Mary.

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