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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hang in there, Lynn. You will begin sleeping again, soon. I did so hate not being able to sleep, and it’s probably one of the reasons I don’t mind (for the moment) being hypothyroid, because I’m finally getting a full night’s sleep, which gives me a better psychological outlook on the morning. Have you tried some chamomile tea before bedtime? That used to help me sleep a “little” better when I was still hyper. Not a whole lot, mind you, but I was desparate for just about anything that would help a little.


    Post count: 93172

    Good Mornin Warriors!, I found out the week of the 20th of July there is pending in the senate a group of bills on health care issues and funding for research. Please send letters to your local senatos urging them to approve this bill.
    I wrote a letter on this to Arlen Specter. He did reply back to me and I gave him my number. If you send out a letter alot are on-line it would help. Anyone wanting Senator Specter ‘s E-mail address. Please e-mail me or I will post it later on as I do not have it right now.
    I will be willing to send you a sample letter if you would like also if you give me your e-mail address. We need to work together on this one and as a good group perhaps we can convince the people in Washington the money would be wisely spent.

    Have a nice day!

    Denise (Dee) N

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