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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Thank you for your information about the eye disease, at leas that makes me have a little more hope that my eyes will get better. I asked my Dr. about going to see any eye specialist, and he told me to wait becuase the thyroid itself could cause smptoms in your eyes. Right now my eyes are bloodshot, I am thinking about getting very tinted glasses to see if this will help. Thank You again, it means alot when you are panic stricken to have someone give some reasurance.

    Post count: 93172


    If there is any question in your mind about eye disease, go see a eye doctor! Anyone who has Graves’ and is feeling some irritation of the eyes should check with an Ophthalmologist at least to get a baseline measurement of the eyes so protrusion can be noticed as soon as possible. By the time I was diagnosed, I was already having nerve involvement, it can really sneak up on you.


    Post count: 93172

    thanks Bruce. you know, i really can’t believe how casually my endo treated my complaints of tired eyes and swelling. quite apart from the question of low morale derived from waking up looking like shit every morning. it seems to me that if there is any chance that my eyes could be damaged – he should be at least paying some attento=ion to me. the trouble is that i still don’t quite understand the different ‘kinds’ of graves/hyperthyroid/hypothyroid eye disorders/diseases that you can get. if anyone could bear to just spell out the differences for me – or even point me to literature in all the quantities of stuff online that does the same thing I would be *really* grateful.
    thanks guys. Marysia

    Post count: 93172

    Hi again Marysia

    Graves’ Ophthalmopathy (eye disease) is actually treated mostly as a separate disease and it is not necessarily related to the thyroid levels. I have Euthyroid eye disease in which my thyroid levels are normal and yet the disease was rampant.


    Post count: 93172

    To All:

    My Endo was also very unresponsive when I spoke of eye problems. I called her on the phone one day in a panic and she said, “Well, can you still close your eyes all the way ?” This absolutely floored me because I know you shouldn’t wait till it gets that bad to see someone. At my next appointment I insisted on the referral the the opthomalogist and got no resistance. My guess is that the endo focus more on other things and is not concerned about the eyes till they get really bad. Nancy from the support group recently emailed me and said that I should get back to the optho ASAP. I haven’t done that yet because the optho gave me a home test to do. He said, “Hold up a bottle with a red cap on it and cover one eye. Repeat the same with the other eye. If there is a difference in shade then call me. ” So far no change and my double vision after waking up has seemed to subsided. Anyone else have more opinons on this?

    Joe M.

    Post count: 93172

    After reading several of your posts regarding eye problems I justwant to shout – insist on seeing an eye doctor that specializes inGraves/thyroid cases. The indecision on both my part and my doctor’spart has given me several years of grief. Do not hesitate to checkany eye problem out. After two sessions of radiation treatments 7months apart, two decompression surgeries, along with steroidinduced cataracts. I still have eye problems, permanent double visionand am still taking PTUs and beta blockers plus they tell me thatwhen I do the iodine it may well trigger the eyes all over again.So after 4 years on a drug you supposedly should only take for oneyear and 1-1/2 years on steroids which they said I could only takefor 3 months I’m still at square one. I don’t ever want to hearthe words “conservative treatment” again. Get your eyes checked outby someone who knows the disease and attack it aggressively.0

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