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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    just thinking about you and hope you have a good day!


    Post count: 93172

    A wheelchair at DisneyWorld! What a wonderful idea!!! I’ve spent so many long, tiring days there with my kids when they were smaller, I wish I had thought of that. Before GD even! Seriously, it sounds like a reasonable plan to me. Wishing you a good time…..


    Post count: 93172

    thanks for the reply, bobbi. hope it won’t come to renting a wheelchair
    but at least that’s an option. this is my first trip to disney and i’m
    real excited and glad to be able to take my grandchildren.


    Post count: 93172

    Dear Kitty, Shortness of breath was my symptom that made the doc listen to me. Earlier in the year I was sent away as allergic.
    I have a portable phone and a long staircase. My brother calls me often and I walk around doing chores as we visit, going up and down those
    stairs…he heard the change in me( huff puff, “what are you doing, running a marathon? There is something wrong with you”) he demanded I go back
    to the doc.
    The rest is history…..Now as for the falling apart question, sure we
    are falling apart…day by day that is what even “healthy people” are
    doing, that is life. I am determined to stay in line with that process
    and try not to kick and scream about it too much. speaking of which,
    my arm pain woke me at 3:30 this am and at 4:50 I gave up and got up.
    Would it have been better to take those addicting pain pills? Probably.
    Where is that fine line? I’ll have to get some glasses to find it. Well, sun just broke the hilltop
    yonder. Find the beauty in this day and live it!
    Jeannette P.S. When I got up I wandered out on the back porch and saw the comet which helped tremendously. If you have to be sleep deprived it may as well be exciting.

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