Hey…how much indifference and ignorance does it take in clinical trials to trigger depression?
Who’s the comedian who says…”DON’t GET ME STARTED!” Well, you turned my rant switch so here goes. I think this issue is multifactoral. The medical model in this country (USA) has somehow swung away from looking at the patient and hearing what he says to reading the lab reports and taking them as gospel. Unless there have been a large enough number of human studies done that has proven EMPIRACALLY that black is black and white is white, the medical model tends to dismiss all other data as irrelevant or coincidental, at best. Problem #2 -Depression cannot be easily measured or quantified. Almost all the signs and symptoms are subjective and therefore, suspect. Problem #3 -People aren’t depressed; they’re lazy, amotivated, hypochondriacal; malingering, cry-babies. Problem # 4 – GD affects far more men than women and everyone knows that women all go automatically into category #3 by virtue of gender…pre-menstrual…post-menopausal, histrionic, over-dramatic…emotional; and thus, not credible sources of believable information. Thus, I have my doubts that there will ever be a linkage direct enough or irrefutable enough to warrant the attention of most practitioners. It’s just too easy to blow off and attribute to something else. Sermon is over, for whatever it’s worth!
I couldn’t have said it better myself.Editorial Correction: GD affects more women than men…sorry, brain glitch!
PS: I don’t hate men, nor doctors. Hate that application of common sense is being abandoned in the practice of health care in the 1990’s. Also hate the fact that there continues to be so much inherent bias against all emotional illnesses and disorders in this country. My husband is a psychotherapist and he is constantly being asked by insurance carriers to PROVE his clients are ill and not just “faking it.” UGHHHH!
….now, the sermon is over!
Good article.. just wanted to point out the last sentence…
The article posted stated that “a link between depression and thyroid disease
has never been proven but clinical trials could address the possibility
of such a link.”… I am so tired of people “wondering” if their is
a possibility of a linkage between GD & depression. Haven’t endos &
and other thyroid specialists gathered enough info. to wipe out the word
‘possibility.’ YES.. there is a linkage between GD (the thyroid) and Depression! -
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