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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Steve & Bobbi: Thanks for the encouragement. I’ll get over it, I suppose and
    do what ever I gotta do. I spent enough time yesterday feeling sorry for myself
    when no matter what name I call it, I’m still in the same physical condition.
    (CPC was a typo! I meant CBC!)

    A long time ago, I remember someone posting about what all the T this and
    that’s did or were. Could someone tell me more about Free T3?

    When I first was diagnosed, my t4 an t3 were borderline high, TSH undetectable
    but my Free T3 was astronomical. After I described a certain weird feeling
    I get as hyperness kicks in, the Endo ascribed that to my Free T3 building up
    quicker than the others. My thyroid scan back in October had been fairly
    non-conclusive, but at the time someone mentioned something about there
    being Graves’ where Free T3 which gets built up and used quicker is the culprit.

    Also, Bobbi, didn’t you recently find information that betablockers inhibit
    the T4 from transforming in the more active free T3??


    Post count: 93172

    Hi, Glynis — I was not the one who said anything about beta blockers having to do with T3 levels. In fact, it is my understanding that the beta blockers do nothing with the thyroid hormones, which is why it is dangerous to take them and not have other treatment for the hyperthyroidism.


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