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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    SAS, Thanks for the idea. I’m going to print out some pertinent posts, and I’ve ordered the bulletins from NGDF. And, I have also decided that it makes no difference who does or does not support me, because that is looking outside myself for something, and I’ve learned through other challenges that it just ain’t possible to get what you want all the time from anywhere except yourself. I have a strong faith in the power of God in me. I know that I have connected with this bb to give me the support and understanding I want. So you see, I can get it, just maybe not from where I expected it to come!!!

    Congratulations on quitting work for awhile. When you make a statement like that (“I’m going to put me first and take care of me”) then forces in the universe will come into play to support that stand. Good luck and wishing you lots of rest.

    Love and blessings, Sharon

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