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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Thanks to everybody on the BB and for E-mails agreeing with the fact that I am taking some time off work. I have been feeling very mixed about it this weekend. 12 Years is a long time and there is the problem that the job might not be there when I am ready to go back. They will have to get someone to fill my position. Anyway I will deal with that when the time comes. I love being creative and maybe I can find something to do from my computer. I know for now it is me that I have to look after. Now, I have to get back to doing by last bits of work to take in tomorrow. Detailed lists of some of my job descriptions so someone else can take over. I start my oribtal irradiation treatments Tuesday. I’ll let you all know how it is going. Thanks to all of you again. This BB really makes me feel like I have a lot of supportive friends all over the world which is a wonderful feeling. I hope you all have a good with happy thoughts. It is only 10:20 AM here on the West Coast! SAS

    Post count: 93172

    Friday night is a bad time to want to talk on the BB — so is Saturday because people often go out for the evening. My husband knows me well enough to realize I’m climbing the walls over having to have surgery so he dragged me off to a movie. We usually stay in — old fogies that we are. We’re usually waiting for our kids to get home from THEIR nights out on the town.

    Thanks to Steve (my buddy), Debby, and Kitty (ya’ll are so sweet!), and Jake for the comforting phone conversation. It really helps knowing there are people out there in the great beyond who are listening and who understand.


    Post count: 93172

    I appreciate everybody’s response on the T3 vs antidepressants question. I will call my endo next week to discuss this further. She knows I’m still not feeling completely better 10 months after RAI and while she was willing to up my hormone dosage a little bit, I agree with her that maybe there’s other solutions.

    I’m trying to get on with my life (including finding a new job after being in an unsatisfactory situation for way way too long than has been good for me) and this has been holding me back in many ways.

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