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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi all. Hope you all had good days.

    MY two cents worth on all the reading I just did…

    DIANNE….agreed…agreed no use endangering ourselves

    SUE…have fun..much fun..but don’t tire yourself out with all that positive thinking
    truthful thinking can embrace the facts, not embellish them, or
    draw false inferences. For example it may sound positive if we
    say…”I don’t feel sick, I am fine, I don’t need medical treatment or rest” but it may not be
    true. Or we can say..” I feel awful and I can’t do anything and I will probably
    always feel this way.” And though it may be true that a person feels
    awful, they don’t have to infer that they can’t do anything or that they will always feel
    this way. So may you truly feel the energy and joy to focus on life
    and not this disease….but please don’t even think about getting down
    on yourself if you can’r “perform positive thinking” throughout whatever you may
    travel as you respond to GD. Lots of the people who have been
    “very negative ” did it knowing they are safe to do so here. And you must never be afraid
    to need that kind of friednship or safety either. “Letting it all hang
    out” ( as they used to say in San Francisco ages ago…) is not one’s ideal self image,
    but it sure beats bottling it all up. Take care and know folks here
    won’t demand perfect attitudes….they put up with real ones.

    ANN N Hope all goes well at the ENDO!!! Does doc know about the herb??

    ELLIS…so true we need to be informed consumers…REAL INFORMED CONSENT
    as a requirement for all medical procedures would have all of us lots more
    educated before we choose our treatments than most of us ever are.

    CRAZY BOY FLOYD ( a new AKA wouldn’t hurt you a bit at this point)
    hope you wrote copy to patient on the form too…to get your copy.

    JEANNNEJ “IT ISN’T IN MY MEMORY” but I’ll check to see if you are in
    the survey, and thanks for even mentioning it!

    JALEE I have eaten raw pumpkin seed ( big source of zinc) for years.
    Drink herb teas, eat organic foods, etc. GOT GRAVES….Can’t believe it
    was a missing mineral…took supplements…studied natural healing, been chipractored
    and think “positive” and GOT GRAVES…not all my filings are amalgams…
    my family loves me and GOT GRAVES…didn’t want any of the nasty treatements
    either…my heart is with you, but please be careful…tell me what you are
    reading? I searched too. Didn’t find ….

    Well this is too, too long Bye and okay it was 6 cents worth. Jeannette

    Post count: 93172

    I enjoyed your six cents worth. I was so thrilled to read last night this bulletin and hear what people had to say about how they are feeling. It’s like a relief to know some of this is normal. I will have to wait on the store to open to find out the name of the book. In this book it talks about diet and superfoods. We are to eat cabbage cauliflower, broccoli, kale and brussels sprouts. I know this is not a cure but you have to admit it does sound healthy. I also mentions not to cook any more than you have to because in takes out vitamins and minerals. It gives a list of herb supplements which I have never even heard of. I did know of Ginkgo Biloba. It is suppose to help your brain. I need that. It says it is OK to exercise. It doesn’t mention how. It also mentions to get some early morning sun on the body every day. Wade and swim in the ocean frequently to access naturally occuring thyroid minerals. So this is a good reason for us all to move to the beach. We just drink our herbs and eat cauliflower. I know we can all get Graves no matter. I have also read on the internet that grief can bring on Graves. I lost my grandmother/mother last year. Have you heard about this? I put the grandmother/mother that way because she raised me. Is there another way of communicating besides this bulletin as in having a chat back and forth. This is all new to me. I will take another 2,4, or 6 cents worth of info.

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