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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Jalee,

    I have tried to pay attention to diet and herbs and natural
    healing for years…and may actually have been exposed
    (please notice the distinction between exposed and “know”)
    to more “natural healing” than the average bear. Now as I try to find
    the the optimal diet(s) to deal with various stages of GD ( currently
    my hyperthyroid is controlled with antithyroid drugs…so I need the diet
    that will help my immune system stop making anti-bodies
    against the thyroid and the diet that won’t intefere with the meds
    which are helping me and the diet that will….)
    I find that it is more confusing and complicated than ever.

    the list of veggies you shared…I think are considered goitregenic..
    which means that the veggies can interfere with the bodies ability to
    process what it needs to produce hormone. If you are real hyper active
    you can get goiter because your thyroid eventually can’t keep up with
    the stimulation of the antibodies and be “a healthy thyroid”.
    ( Maybe God made some veggie taste strong so we wouldn’t eat too many of them?)

    If this disease could be dealt with with the delicious cauliflower soup
    I make, believe me..this BB wouldn’t exist ( even Steve would eat it ).
    These folks would all love to avoid the treatments (had, having and will have).
    But can we???
    And you mentioned RAW Food.
    Okay, I totally understand about live versus dead foods…
    and again until I started trying to understand GD diet
    I would have said…yes..less carrot cake and more carrot sticks,
    eat all the colors of the rainbow raw and crunchy and you are home free.
    But then one very informative pack of info I got based on Chinese tradition
    emphasized eating mostly cooked foods, yellow veggies…

    There is also the phenomenon that a little may help and alot may harm!

    So do you have a MD who would take you each step of the way? Documenting
    objectively that 1. you are not in danger and that 2.
    you are definably getting better? I guess I have the impression
    that you are not getting treated, and I am worried. Am I wrong?
    I have seen the book you seem to be quoting…a friend has it.
    I think she faxed me that page. It isn’t enough, Jalee.

    As to what “brings GD on”. There are multiple factors involved
    (wouldn’t you know it wouldn’t be simple).
    GD is “stress mediated”… that is to say that stress,IF all the
    other conditions are in place and “on-line’ so to speak,
    stress allows the process to unfold….the subtle effects of stress
    changes in body chemistry…become a matrix for the problems
    already existent. Stress doesn’t cause GD all by its lonesome
    or else it wouldn’t be so rare. We have genetic predispositions to make
    the immune system mistake…we have environmental toxin, etc.

    It is like three circles( like the olympic symbol…)where they intersect
    you have enough confluence to effect the onset of GD. So you are right..
    deficiences matter, stress matters etc. and we have to relaxedly go about
    remedying all these things but…prevention and cure are different for GD.
    My immune system has made the mistake…the antibodies now exist
    and if I correct things it won’t necessarily make them go away,
    now or later…and certainly maybe not in time to safeguard the rest of
    my body from the runaway effects of the overactive thyroid
    So, please forgive me if this is all too simplistic and I have misread
    your take on this disease? But time is of the essence and as good as it sounds
    a swim in the ocean, a cup of hot tea and snacking on veggies will not be enough.
    Please don’t kill the messanger. I hate this message too. I was so scared to take drugs,
    but if it will help you to hear how and why I made peace with it, ask me and I will tell you.

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