There was an article written in Wednesday’s Oregonian by Oz Hopkins Koglin, on early warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease. It lists warning symptoms of the most common form of dementia. Early Stage – 1) Less sparkle, initiative, drive, 2) Slowed learning, reactions, 3) Word finding problems, 4) Probably aware of difficulties, may cover up., May appear depressed. Middle Stage: 1) Poor learning, short-term memory. 2) Repeats questions, 3) Slowed speech, understanding, 4) Apears self-absorbed, unsensitive, 5) Difficulty planning, making decisions, 6) Difficulty with judgment, especially driving. Then it goes on to the two final stages. Do any of these seem familiar. To me, it seems like most of them fit Graves patients. Is there any known correlation between Graves and Alzheimer’s? Could the Graves be an early warning sign of what’s to come in the future? Any insight? I’d really like to know. All the problems associated with Graves are bad enough, but it makes me really nervous thinking that this is just a beginning of future “fun” to come. Becky