A short note about Iodine and PTU. My endo told me to stay away from iodine, kelp, supplements with iodine, table salt, iodized table salt (duh) and not even to swim in a clorinated pool. He said to avoid iodine, fluorine, and clorine, as they are so similiar chemically. I do go to the gym and go in the whirlpool, for 10 min at the most, and someone gave me the name of a product (you swimmers out there already know these products, I bet, but since I’m just a stay alive in the water person, didn’t know about them) called Ultra Swim that you later up with after a swim to get the excess clorine off your body. I did an hour in a very clorinated pool the other day with no apparant ill effects (?) with just a normal shower after. Iodine is found in milk because they use an iodine (I think it is called iodor or somethin g like that) rinse on the milk vats. I used to own a bar, and we were required to rinse the beer glasses in an iodine solution by state law (MIchigan) so the message is to watch that the beer glass may have iodine on it. Bottled beer seems to be ok if you don’t put it in a beer glass. I don’t think that this would be a major item for most people, even people who drink a lot don’t usually drink it all as beer in a bar. My endo also said it was ok to have the regular salt, but to do so in moderation. As for supplements w/o iodine, I have some brand names that I have been looking into, and willnot give them publicly, so as to comply with not putting brand names up (I know I just put one up about the swimming stuff, but it is the only product I know, and I don’t think I’ll get angry letters from other companies or anything.) Again, I don’t know how this post will look, haven’t figured out how to write these notes with a word wrap in place, I only see a fragment of one looooong line as I type. Computer folk, any solution for that? KarenB This post is related to Jeannettes post re red dye and iodine and the study about excess iodine, even dietary iodine, compromising remission. KB
Hi, I have not read the bb in quite awhile. I went to the Dr’s. two weeks ago, first becuase I was sick on Mon. and Tues. with a sore throat and ear problems. My regular Dr was not in. The nurses could not find my chart. Needless to say the Dr prescribed the wrong thing and I ended up sicker. When I called the office the next day and they got in touch with my regular Dr. my chart was found in no time. I’m sure the grand search that took place after my phone call would have been fun to watch.
I went to get a blood test for my follow up for RAI on that Fri. It came back at “15”, it was “18.9”. The Dr. said “12” was high normal. He said I should be good for probably another 6 months.
Anyway, this Fri., 2 weeks later, I had Chinese for a late dinner. It had shrimp and other seafood in it. Sat. morning I got severly sick. I woke up sick in the stomache, every muscle in my body ached and would hardly move. I couldn’t sit, lie or stand. My mouth had a funny taste in it.
Again, I went to the Dr’s. My dr. wasn’t there, I had to hurry because they close at noon on Sat. I don’t no if he really looked at my chart or not. He said it looked like an intestinal virus and told me to take Tylenol and Amodian AD. Said if I wasn’t better by Mon. to go to the hospital for a stool sample to see if it was food poisoning. (If it was food poisoning don’t you think Mon. would be a little late?)I think it was Iodine poisoning, my hormones seemed to go wild, I was going hot and cold. I had a temperature around 100.
Could this be the case, or is it a coincidence that I might have gotten some kind of bug at the same time? It really scared me and I won’t be eating Chinese for quite awhile, or any Seafood for that matter.
I’ll have to read the BB later to catch up. Hope everyone else is feeling better.
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