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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I used Lacrilube S.O.P. ointment at night and Natural Tears II during the day. I have a lot of allergies and these worked with no problem. My eye specialist said nto try covering eyes with sleep mask ( I found my lashes would get caught in the material and my eyes would stay open even more than before), swimming goggles – my eyes were too puffy and the plastic of the goggles made a real indentation areound my eyes. He then suggested I tape them shut but I didn’t like that idea – too much like coins in the eyes like when people died in ancient times. Anyway, I ended up just using the ointment and drops because I didn’t find anything else useful. These drugs are Canadian available without prescription but I’m sure ther must be similar ones in the states., KIndest regards

    Post count: 93172

    I have been using Tearsplus and other drops , but was told by my Dr they may make my eyes worse
    as they contain sodium chloride which cancrystallize in the eye and cause more irritation (glass in the
    eye kind of feeling) What kinds of drops have been prescribed for you? Have you ever gone a night without using them/
    How do your eyes feel when you do not use drops or any other treatment (ie sleep mask)? Mine feels like I have tiny bits of glass
    in my eyes.

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