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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Lisa, I to have pain in the fingers, esp. when I first wake up. It almost feels like they are swollen, though they are not. It goes away as I move around. My started after I had the RAI. It’s almost 5 weeks since the RAI and it is getting better each day. Less and less stiff.

    Post count: 93172

    How bad were your symptoms before the doctor diagnosed? I didn’t go to the doctor until my periods stopped. That finally got me worried enough to see a medical doctor. Before that I thought it was all due to stress. I retained fluid and was very puffy, from my ankles to my eyelids. Is this what you’re experiencing? The material I have in front of me is from the Thyroid Foundation of Canada. Have a look through their web site. They have good info regarding this stuff in the brochure headed up Thyroid Disease and the Skin.
    We, here, have been comparing notes on the developement of allergies after or before the diagnoses of our GD. Perhaps this may also be a cause of your swelling.
    Just a general observation about doctors…. Some don’t ever want to say “I don’t know.” or “We don’t know.” Instead they say, “It isn’t related.” or try to deny what we’re feeling. I think, for me, it would be easier to hear “I don’t know.” than “That’s nothing to do with it.”
    Take care and keep reading. Knowledge is power.
    Carol Anne

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Carole,

    I went to the doctor regarding these symptoms initially:

    1. Sometimes my eyes I lips would swell very big. This was treatable with antihistimine.
    2. I had chronic red hot rashes also treatable with antihistimines.
    3. Extreme exaustion came on recently
    4. Very recently the pain in my fingers. I don’t think this is water retention.

    I’m the one with the bad Endo. You are very right about knowledge being power. We are very lucky to have the Internet. I am changing my Endo today.


    Post count: 93172

    Hi Caren,

    The pain in my fingers started before I started my antithyroid medication. It sounds like you have the same symptoms. Mabye this is a symptom of Graves. I hope so, I would hate to have any other ailments to tend to.

    Post count: 93172

    Dear Susan:

    Yes! I have had joint pain in my fingers. It started last October weay before I began having Graves disease symptons. My finger joints her a lot, especially in the morning.

    My Graes Dis. disease symptoms began in March and the joint pain continued. I was diagnosed with Graves 10 days ago by that time my hands hurt tremendously during the night, whenever I didnt move them constantly. I have been unable to wear my rings since May.

    Alo my hip joints were killing me at night and were stiff during the day, I think from my wierd walk with my weak muscles. Anyway, I have been on PTU for 10 days and things have gotton a lot better with my joints.

    My right hand is stiff at the knuckles but just a little and doesnt hurt in the morning when I awaken. My hips are back to normal too. Perhaps because I have b een home from work all this time and not walking as much and my muscles are back to normal almost too.

    I’ve read that people with GD are more prone to Rhuematoid ARthritus and I plan to get test for that too. Let me know how you feel.


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