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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Wow, well, at least I’m not the only one there! LOL! Yeah, the dreams
    *are* like living another life or something — and yes, I can relate to
    having stories running around in my head — some of the dreams are good
    enough plot-wise to be pretty good story material… now if I could just
    get the memory thing to work right ;) I might be able to remember the
    details of the dreams long enough to get them down on paper! ah well…


    Donna (aka danita, aka radiant)

    Post count: 93172


    Yes! I had these post-RAI. My doc looked at me
    like I was a nut when I told him about them. They
    were so vivid that it was almost like not being
    asleep. Had some really great stories running
    around in my head too. At least they weren’t
    nightmares! I always assumed they were just
    part of GD. Now that I’m “normal,” I don’t
    have really vivid ones anymore. At least it’s
    more like getting a decent nights sleep now
    instead of living another life. :)

    All the best,
    Sheila H.

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