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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Has anyone else been receiving junk e-mails on Vita-life products, that claim they will cure all??
    We know that is a bunch of crock. I receive this at least once a day. The testimonials claim that they will make you feel better, look better and startling results have even cured a blind man!
    I figured the sales reps probably scan boards like this and then hope you will call their toll free number and order there wonderful products.


    Post count: 93172

    This was sent to me from a friend and I wanted to share it with all of you.


             Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
             Life is beauty, admire it.
             Life is bliss, taste it.
             Life is a dream, realize it.
             Life is a challenge, meet it.
             Life is a duty, complete it.
             Life is a game, play it.
             Life is costly, care for it.
             Life is wealth, keep it.
             Life is love, enjoy it.
             Life is mystery, know it.
             Life is a promise, fulfill it.
             Life is sorrow, overcome it.
             Life is a song, sing it.
             Life is a struggle, accept it.
             Life is tragedy, confront it.
             Life is an adventure, dare it.
             Life is luck, make it.
             Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
             Life is life, fight for it.

             – Mother Teresa –

    Post count: 93172

    Miriam,That was real inspirering I’m going to share it with my youth
    group tonight at church hope that’s ok.

    Post count: 93172

    Share away with anyone! Especially with young people. I appauld you for working with them. We need more people to share and guide our youth.


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