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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Jeannette, I agree that it is very beneficial for someone else to attend Doctors appointments with you. May husband has always driven me since I can’t drive with my double vision. He used to come in to some appointments and sometimes wait in the car doing his crosswords. Debby suggested to me that it would be better if he came to them all and he has ever since. He sat in with Radiologist, Endo, GP and Ophthalmologist. As a matter of fact my Ophthal said he preferred it when a spouse or SO attended. Ron often asks questions that I said I was going to ask by forget to and he also asks many things I wouldn’t think of as I am so up tight at being at – yet another Doctor. Also when I used to repeat what the Doctors had said often my mind would go blank and I’d just forget (well you know how that is!). Anyway it works really well. My husband works for himself so can arrange his appointments around my many many appointments. Sometimes it’s not possible for a husband or SO but there must be mothers, sisters or friends. Also the waiting in the waiting room does not seem so long when you have someone to share the time with. Take care, SAS

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