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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    For the first time since diagnosis, I’m taking a l-o-n-g trip, leaving next Friday (with 3 little girls who haven’t taken a long trip lately either). I know other people having mentioned having problems with hypoglycemia since GD and I was wondering what easy, portable snacks should I bring along. Any other advice on keeping the blood sugar steady would be a blessing!

    Also, my doctor gave me this long report and told me, “Carry it with you wherever you go.” Does anyone else have a medical document in their purse? Do you think bringing it along is necessary?

    Any other traveling tips. Last time I went anywhere, I was healthy and didn’t care. I don’t want to obsess on it, but I do want to be prepared. (I know I’m bringing lots of tylenol and aspirin).

    Thanks much,

    Post count: 93172


    Have fun and don’t worry. Two years ago went camping for 5 weeks. Did
    15 states in 28 days. Last year did a 30 mile Canoe trip had a ball. This
    year did Mt climing in Ga and Caving in Ky was gone for a week. Take crackers
    and juices. Yes I carry papers with me in case I get sick and it is a good
    idea. Take plenty of eye drops and lube. We had to adjust our travel plans
    (like not driving after dark) and more frequent stops to stretch the legs and
    rest the eyes. Have fun


    Post count: 93172

    That would be my suggestion too. I, as I previously mentioned, just got back from a 10 hour long drive in a pick up truck. Which was pretty comfortable a couple of years ago (pre GD era), but this time my legs cramped up and caused me some pain. Also, I sitting cross legged never bothered me before, but now causes major leg pains and stiffness – I popped a lot of aspirin, etc. Regardless, I had a great time. Hope you do too.

    Post count: 93172

    Make sure that you take all necessary medical info with you and insurance cards, books(providers), etc. Grave’s Disease unfortunately has many symptoms that can be mistaken for mental, heart, or neurological problems. In my wallet I not only list who my current doctors are but also that I have GD and that I am being treated for it. That is not being obsessive, it is being responsible(especially with children or other people in tow). Take care and have a great time. We’ll miss ya’!!!! ( Also, include motion sickness tabs or dramamine in your travel pack – a must for the warrior) Your Friend, Melissa

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Glynis.
    I spent last year travelling a little more extensively than most people do. My last leg was in Africa and I came back with a viral infection…and surprise, surprise.. that is when my eye disease emerged.

    About 7 mos later, I took another holiday, this time in Mexico. A kidney infection which was unrelated to my GD (I think) wore me out and when I came back from the trip (which was cut short), my eye was visibly more prominent. This subsided after a few weeks rest. But besides the eye condition being sensitive to infection, I think it was ALSO very sensitive to my fatigue. If I had a long 20 hr bus ride, the next day my eye would just look so bent out of shape.

    It doesn’t sound like you’re going to take 3 little girls to Africa or anything, but I think the general rules of resting well and not outdoing yourself should prevail. Have fun!


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