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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I have no family history of graves went back as far as 100 years on
    both sides. There are other autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, asthma
    sarcoidosis in the family but no graves. However is it possible to acquire graves through
    radiation exposure from my dad and grandfather’s who served in the
    armed forces? Just a thought! Wish ther was some closure to this.

    Post count: 93172

    Denise, Yes. Altho, it is more likely that for people born in the 40’s and 50’s, that if they were exposed to any radioactive fallout, and, during that time any one alive in the US was, due to the bomb tests in Nevada, they could develope a thyroid disease. We were a country of guinie pigs, and during “the age of innocence” they didn’t have to tell us a thing. They claimed radioactive fallout wouldn’t be dangerous. Unfortunatly, the fallout that reached NYC, where I grew up during the late fifties, was enough to affect the thyroid. This has been documented, but I can’t find the report I had on it. Large cities were sprayed with different chemicals to see what would happen to the human body. pregnant women were given experimental drugs to see what it would to to the babies. All sorts of wonderful things.


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