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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Everyone!

    The Hashimoto’s folks on some of the other thyroid websites are singing the praises of Barry Sear’s “Zone” Diet. Many are stating that they are feeling better than they have felt in a long time and are actually losing weight on this diet when everything else they’ve tried before has failed. This diet hypothesizes that if we can keep our bodies in hormonal balance (primarily insulin that is to say), it will result in weight loss. Excess insulin surges caused by eating disproportionate amounts of carbohydrates to protein and fat, prevents the body from using it’s stored fat for energy. Excess carbohydrate intake, especially in the metabolically challenged such as ourselves, results in weight gain and more importantly, inability to lose that weight. I have read both of Sear’s books on the Zone Diet and his theories make sense to me physiologically. Many of these folks with Hashimoto’s (the autoimmune opposite of Graves in that they are big-time HYPO), have gained weight while on Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and all the other diets out there that tend to rely more heavily on carbohydrate intake versus protein intake. I don’t know if this will work, but as I have tried everything—and I do mean EVERYTHING over the last 18 months without success, I figure I will test-drive this diet for a few weeks and see what happens. I will let ya’ll know how it goes. If I do lose weight with this diet no one will be able to shut me up!

    In addition….

    TO REDHEN: Thanks so much for your painstaking research into the effects of RAI. Since my horse is already out of the barn after 2 runs of high-dose RAI, I’m not sure I want to hear more!! I do very much appreciate the time and effort though.

    TO BOBBI: Just packed my oldest off to UT- Austin today and share your trauma. I swear it was only yesterday I was changing this child’s diapers and Lord, do I feel old now!!!! I’ll be thinking of you when my next crying jag hits…any minute now!.

    Welcome to the newbies on the BB. Please any of you feel free to e-mail me if you ever need to talk. Don’t have all the answers to be sure, but I am a good listener.

    Take care all,

    Luci (in Texas)

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