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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Just a thought, but on the consent form you sign to have the RAI, isn’t
    there an address on the document, Perhaps it can be traced back as a starting point. These forms may have to be put on file with the particular aency whether it is NIH or FDA or DOE or NRC. As a government regulation you are suppose to be advised of the risks, etc. If anyone out there had RAI recently, I had it four yrs ago out of state perhaps they could clue us in on this. Even the facility administering the RAI, should be able to shed light on this I would think. I wil do some snooping myself.


    Post count: 93172

    One place to look for help with the research would be an organization in Tolland, CT called NERAC, Inc. They do research on just about any topic you want. I don’t know what the charge is but they are located at “”. Their phone number is 860/872-9331 or FAX 860-/875-1749. Many companies have blanket Purchase Orders through them. Although I’ve never ordered anything from them myself, I know that our company uses their services.

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