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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Welcome aboard! I have only been visiting this cite for about a month but in that time I have gotton a lot of support from others who have lots to share. I was also frustrated with my treatment. My husband found this BB for me after my eyes did not respond well to the eye radiation treatment and the steriod medication that was prescribed to keep the inflamation in my eyes down. I was not a happy camper!

    STAY TUNED because others can actually share where they have found care that has worked for them. There are also lots of previous posts concerning Thyroid Eye Disease. I am currently waiting for another referal to a Graves Thyroid Eye Specialist. If he has anything wonderful to say I will share it with all of you.

    I am happy to say that my attitude has changed just because of the support that is shared on this BB. I have also learned that my doctors have not been totally honest with me. So I guess knowledge is power and the more I read here the better I am able to help myself get well.

    Keep Reading……Michele

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Kathleen,
    I am a native New Jerseyean but now have moved.
    since you just started with eye problems and really should be followed by a specialist you may want to try the Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia. There is a group of neuro-opthamologists there that can do a complete evaluation there for you and determine what the bet course of treatment should be for you at this stage of your thyroid disease. I have been there and there are others that have been there on this BB that think they are wonderful. Best of luck to you and please e-mail me if you have any further questions. Depending where you are in the state I could tell you where to look for reputable eye specialists if Phil is out of the question. Dee

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