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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    First, let me welcome all the newcomers. I hope you find all the support, encouragement and information you need here. We all need somebody to lean on! I’m trying to catch up on posts…you guys have been busy while I’ve been gone.

    This trip was probably the best thing for me. I followed Jake’s advice and brought along fruit juices, cheese & crackers and had no problems with my sugar levels going whacky. Actually, I didn’t have any problems feeling Gravesy the whole trip. I was terrified that the horrible Gravesy anxiety would strike while I was 1000 miles from home. Instead, praise the Lord, I was able to forget I even had Graves!! This disease seems to make us so preoccupied with our daily ‘state of being’ – “Am I anxious? Depressed? I think I feel funny”-It was nice being too busy to give that much thought. It’s nice to get out of the self-absorption thing.

    Pat’s reunion with his birthmother/brothers was everything we hoped for. They bonded instantly – it’s hard to believe that there were 36 lost years. He got the whys of his adoption (and he has never been one to hold grudges…forgive as he has been forgiven is his motto). It was wonderful! The kids got spoiled rotten.

    The area of Ohio we are being transferred to was really pretty. They want us there sooner than November 1st if possible…our house is not sold yet, but a buyout is a “small” possibility. Pray!

    I hope that everyone has been feeling well and will try to get caught up on all the posts. I did read Denise’s about attitude and found it very touching. I came home to find out that a woman from my Bible study had passed away. She was young (early 50’s) and had been flown to CO for special surgery to remove a brain tumor. The surgery took 20 hrs. When I left on my vacation, she was doing fine. A blood clot formed and she died quickly. Her attitude was always so wonderful. She kept a bright outlook and spent

    Post count: 93172

    Well, I have made it through the move, my computer is still working, and so is my body…at least for the time being! My hubby is going back to work tomorrow, and I have the rest of the week off from work to catch up on things and mainly try to enjoy putting little things together in my new home.
    I have tried to not “over-stress” myself, but that didn’t work, oh well…that’s the way it goes with moving!! I will just take some time for “me” for a little bit! At least I don’t have to go back to work at the bank the day after a holiday! Last Friday was horrendous at work, and then the stress of moving the same day!! I find my heart feels like it is pounding again at times, and then that makes me anxious…and I don’t like any of that! Hopefully the peace and quiet of tomorrow will help alot!
    You all take care! Hugs and prayers to you,

    Post count: 93172

    You not only survived the move, but you got all the computer wires in the correct receptacles, too! Congradulations! ; )

    Bobbi — NGDF Asst. Online Facilitator

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