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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    A short note to give another opinion on RAI. I took meds for 6 mos
    and got really sick from side effects. Dr wanted me to stick with
    them but I changed endos and went RAI. Best decision I ever made.
    It’s a tough choice, but it is a personal choice, and no one on the
    BBS can predict which is best for you. Learn all the facts before
    choosing which is best for You.

    Post count: 93172

    I think today’s words should be friends. You know how when you are struggling in the dark, God always turns a light on for you? Well, my light today was an e-mail from an old and dear friend who lives in Australia. Said he was playing with the internet and used a people search to find me. He and his wife have said I have a place to stay anytime I want to visit. Anyone want to take a trip with me?!

    Even though I have all of you, my youngest son has finally moved out and into an apartment with a friend, but the silence is echoing in this apartment! It was so nice to hear from an old friend.

    And so, to all my friends on here, thank you and I appreciate you very much even though I may not always say it.

    Mitakuye Oyasin

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