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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Bettylynn,

    My name is Paul. I have had GD since January 1994. I am in the process of either having RAI or surgery also. I wanted to see if this would go into remission first, that is why I was on meds since Jan. 1996 to April 97. I stayed off of all meds until Nov.97 when all the symptoms returned. I am leary of RAI and that is why I am leaning towards surgery.

    Have you tried to stay on meds first. You might want to try this first for about a year and this would give you more time to research your problems and ideas. Just a thought. The PTU did the job for me for that time is now currently doing the job again of toning it down.

    Hope that all will go alright with you and that Christ will be with you in all of your deceion making processes.



    Post count: 93172

    Hi Bettelynn. I’m so glad the scan found no tumor! In regards to your question about whether Graves’ (or other thyroid disorders) can be detected before the patient is very sick, the answer is YES–if the correct tests are run and the doctor reads them correctly. I have two daughters myself, and my mother-in-law also has Graves’, so I’m really concerned about the possibility that my daughters may be predisposed to thyroid disease. I don’t know how old your daughters are (mine are 16 and 18,) but my advice would be to educate them about the symptoms of thyroid disease, so if they ever do begin to experience these symptoms, they won’t assume they’re just “stressed out” or “overworked.” I also make sure my girls get a complete thyroid blood workup every year–just in case. Good luck with your scheduled RAI, and I hope you’re feeling better very soon.

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