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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I was wondering if any of you feel like you are discriminated
    against at your place of employment because you have graves
    and require frequent visits to the endocrinologist,
    primary care doctor or opthamologist, etc. Over
    the past two years I have been also passed over for promotions ( I
    have more seniority then those given the promotion),
    decrease in responsibilities, and training classes. Basically,
    I feel like I am being ignored and just getting a paycheck. Before
    graves set in I was on the Corporate upswing and now just a fixture
    to Management.

    Any suggestions, input or comments, otherwise.


    Post count: 93172

    Hi Mary, I feel the same way sometimes. My coworkers don’t realize how sick I am because I look fine. I get so tired, have major stomach distress etc. and when I mention these things I get a lot of eye rolls, I am going for RAI in 4 weeks and the doc is writing me a note to out
    for a few days and they think I’m just looking for some paid time off.

    It gets frustrating and it makes me sad. My boss has been real nice about it, she just wants me well. I guess she’s the most important one to worry about. So, dont ever feel alone. Take care and wishing us all better days!


    Post count: 93172

    I HAVE GRAVES DISEASE AND I can’t seem to get much help from my Doctors in C ANADA This has got to be the most degrading disease one can only imagine.Could I get some people with graves to e-mail me , just to feel better that I’m not alone,It’s an awfull thing to go throuhgh alone.I don’t believe one should go through this the way I’am.To think that my eyes are coming out of the sockets and Ihave to stop and explain the disease where ever I’am.Especially when I have two small kids and a husband that had 4 heart attacks in the past year Anyway if you have this eye trouble I would love to hear from you.

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