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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I just had the permanent plugs put in last month. We tried the cologen
    or temporary ones but they kept popping out. I like the plugs they have
    helped me alot. I still have to use moisture drops but not as often. My
    eyes feel much better then they did before. As far as dryness goes.

    Post count: 93172

    Sure they are called puncton plugs and are made by many different companies.
    They are tiny plugs put into the tear ducts to keep tears in the eyes to lp
    keep them moist. I have had them in now for about 7 months and can’t believe
    how much better my eyes are!!!

    Go for it. It is a painless procedure and takes a few minutes tops.


    Post count: 93172

    The opthomologist that I see has suggested she can install very tiny plugs in my lower tear ducts. Initially they would be cologen (which would disolve over seven days) in that time we could determine whether the process increased moisture in my eyes without making me tear constantly. If I don’t tear, then she would insert small plastic or nylon (I’m not sure which) plugs. Has anyone heard of this or had it done? If so how did it work for you?

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