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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Gang!

    I haven’t been on in quite a while. I read a few of the messages I missed a little while ago.

    When my thyroid crashed, not only did it make me hypo, it threw me into a full-blown chemical depression, which I now find out is almost inevitable for Grave’s patients. At any rate, I am now on a once-a-day slow-release anti-depressant and am on TRH–.125 for now and am beginning to rejoin the land of the living again!

    I have missed you all, but I was so busy feeling bad and feeling sorry for myself that I didn’t think to ask for help here. I get so tired of going through things alone! But, things are looking up. I have an interview tomorrow afternoon for a state job that would have full benefits! And, a man that I was really interested in back last fall has contacted me and said that he has worked out his personal problems and would really like to see me again, so, who knows?

    At any rate, I hope this finds everyone healthy and happy. I have missed you all!

    Mitakuye Oyasin


    Post count: 93172

    Welcome back, Val! Funny, You were weighing on my mind yesterday and I wondered where you have been. Must be that “native” thing!
    I am sorry to hear you were having such a bad time of it.
    It’s hard when depression hits. Makes you into a recluse.
    I am so glad to see you back with us living folk and I send you all our best wishes for better health in the near future!

    p.s. It’s a pow-wow weekend for us! My feet are getting happy!

    Post count: 93172

    Val, it’s good to hear from you again. So sorry you have been through such a bad time by yourself. It sounds like maybe things are looking up. Hope so! You were a positive force for me when I felt miserable. Wish I could have helped you.

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