Thanks for the tip Sas. I’ll look it up. I have noticed
that I am feeling really jumpby lately and need some
quidance. Is there a formal title for the type of
doctor a person with Grave’s should be seeing? I was
referred to a Thyroid Specialist but there is only
one in this area and he is retirred. Will an internest
be able to provide the same type of help? Sorry to
sound so ignorant but I guess I am.
RosedorHi, after a whole week of being extremely sick with the flu I am finally able to sit for some time and read the BB.
You Canadians should be joining the Thyroid Foundation of Canada. There is a link from this BB. They have a lot of GOOD information. Also from their newsletter the Thyrobulletin, I know there are excellent Doctors in the Toronto area. As a matter of fact one of them came out to Vancouver and gave an excellent talk on Auto-immune Disease and spent some time on Graves Eye disease. From joining you will see that there are Chapter and Area contacts all over Canada. Under Ontario I can see seven different cities with help line numbers. It is not expensive. Only $20.00 a year. I feel it is well worth it and I’m sure they need your support.
Try http://home.ican.net/~thyroid/Canada.html
Hope this helps – SAS
PS, Barb I e-mailed you about this quite some time ago giving you some numbers to call but maybe you didn’t get the mail.
Hi Sas how are you doing ?Nice to hear from you.I did get your e-mail but was having alot of trouble with my e-mails getting to me and getting out,but have managed to e-mail alot in Canada and believe me they pass the buck.I’m still waiting for some to answer me though too and for as staying in our own country is this not a free bb and for who ever needs the help?I didn’t get screened before I came here anyways I would like to stay at this bb if you don’t mind me being a canadian,which I’m sure you don’t.Its just gettin under my skin having to answer to you people for such ridiculous things,I go all over to get what ever help and information I can get trust me!This is a very scary disease for me and I really don’t stop to see what country I’m in before I read the information,if its of help great more power to me I would think wouldn’t you Sas? have a good day BarbHi Barb, Sorry, it looks like you have misunderstood my post. I was only trying to help by suggesting joining the Thyroid Foundation of Canada. Lots of Canadians don’t know this is available and receiving their bulletins has helped me. I e-mailed you the help line numbers because I thought someone in your area might be able to suggest a doctor that could help you. I thought at one point you were suggesting you were not getting the help you needed from your doctor. I have been quite sick myself for the past week and maybe I got mixed up myself in whom I was posting to.
One of the wonderful things about this support board is the participation of peoples from different countries. It was my Endo that suggested that I subscribe to the Thyroid Foundation of Canada because I am a Canadian. I thought it might help to pass that information along to other Canadians on this BB. If you are not interested please don’t worry about it.
Have a good weekend and take care. SAS
Dear Sas
How can i begin to apologize to you Sas when you have been so helpfull to me,I’am so sorry will you forgive me,I really believe things are really piling up on me as its not me to behave in such a terrible way with anyone,please Sas find it in youy heart to forgive me and trust me if you can it won’t happen again,I believe it is mis-directed anger but no excuse,so sorry Barb and please have a good day too from me as I feel terrible after re-reading what I posted to a few,so sorry -
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