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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    anyone around whose graves’ was brought on by pregnancy? Mine was and am currently feeling great thanks to bb’s. I’ve only been on them for 6 weeks…anyone know if this will be long term???

    Post count: 93172

    Pregnancy is one of the “stresses” that can bring on Graves. It can also bring on a condition called “postpartum thyroiditis”, which can make us hyperthyroid, too. Postpartum thyroiditis is an inflammation of the thyroid gland due to antibodies made by your immune system(according to the doctors who wrote YOUR THYROID A Home Reference). One of the treatments for this is the beta blockers, and it usually lasts anywhere from one to three months. Some individuals who get this go on to have persistent hyperthyroidism (Graves), some individuals have their thyroid hormone levels return to normal (the doctors call this “transient hyperthyroidism” because it could return with another pregnancy or later on in life), some individuals become briefly HYPOthyroid (after being hyperthyroid), and some people become permanently hypothyroid (about 25 percent according to this book). Your thyroid hormone levels will have to be monitored for a while. If you recover from this bout, though, this book suggests that it is a good idea to minimally check thyroid function once a year for the rest of your life, just to be on the safe side.

    Wishing you good luck and good health, soon.


    Post count: 93172


    My Graves was brought on by pregnancy. I was diagnosed in Aug/Sept 96….I had had my third child in April that year, by the time I was diagnosed I was a *mess* physically and mentally.

    I chose the anti-thyroid drug route, because I am an eternal optimist. I believed that I could be in the group that goes into remission and I did whatever possible to help myself. Stress-reduction techniques, prayer, careful diet, prayer, exercise, prayer… A couple of times things seemed bad enough I almost considered RAI, but I stuck with it and now after one year on propylthioracil, I’ve been off meds for 5 months. I recently had a radioactive uptake and thyroid scan and was told that I am aboslutely FINE. Everything was perfect. The doctor told me that I don’t even need to have come back for bloodwork this year unless I feel symptomatic.

    My whole experience with this is at my web page:

    I know there are others on this board whose Graves’ was triggered by pregnancy…I hope that you get some feedback from all of us!

    Wishing you the best,

    Post count: 93172

    I am a 27 year old female who is currently 4 months pregnant. I am being
    seen by military doctors and they are not really sure what is going wrong
    with me. My thyroid gland is not enlarged but my TSH is less than 0.03
    and has been for some time. The other tests are leaning twards graves also
    I am really concerned because I feel I am being lost in the shouffle. Can
    Graves hurt my unborn child if not medicated? I probably sound crazy but
    even the Doc’s couldn’t give me a straight up answere. If anyone has any
    Idea’s or answeres for me please do so. Thank You so much!!!

    Post count: 93172

    Angela, you will find it helpful to purchase Sara Rosenthal’s “Thyroid Resource Book”. She covers Graves Disease and pregnancy quite well and includes a section on children. Also suggest you be very specific with your doctor about your concerns. I didn’t realize how much my doc didn’t tell me until I found this bb and then bought the book. Now I write questions down to ask him. He is not thrilled about this, but he tends to want to get to his next patient fast because basically I am doing well. It’s OK to respectfully confront your doctor, and, again, I recommend that book. Rosenthal points out that 80% of children born to mothers with Graves Disease are left handed, and if that’s the worst you can expect, life will be good for your child. Good luck to you. Hope you have a happy, healthy pregnancy. Children are gifts.

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