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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I have muscle irritation without too much bulging (10 mm). My main complaint was muscle irritation, although I had noticed puffiness for quite a while before I was diagnosed, I never made the connection until my doctor pointed it out (thought I was just getting old and fat.)

    I never had too much in the way of headaches, but now that I’m using artificial tears a few times a day, I get a bit of a headache if I don’t use them.

    Tearing is also a symptom. Have you been to an ophthomologist to get a baseline measurement?

    Feel free to e-mail me if you want to discuss more.


    Post count: 93172

    Bobbi, what is the name of the antibody that make you more likely to have eye problems. I don’t know if I carry this antibody, and my doctor did not screen for it. She told me that if I did develop eye problems, they would go away if I had the RAI. From what I understand that is not correct.

    Post count: 93172

    I had the Iodine treatment in July and almost immediatly my eyes went back to normal. I was told that if the disease is found soon enough you might get lucky and have your eyes go back to normal. For me that is true. I also had a very high uptake in the scan and I was told that if you have graves that is a good indication. Good luck hope your eyes go back to normal, I was devasted as mine got worse, so I know how you feel.
    Lyn j

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