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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    RAI can damage the parathyroid glands, which are nestled around the thyroid glands. Damage may show up as an enlargement in one or more of the glands (there are 4). The enlarged parathyroid excretes more than normal amounts of hormone (PTH). This will increase the amount of calcium pulled out of your bones into your bloodstream to serve the cells in your body. This can be checked by a test of PTH and serum calcium. I just had this done. The results were high PTH, normal calcium, which is hard to explain. My physician has passed the info on to my endocrinologist; I’m still waiting for her response.

    Let me know what you find out. The studies I’ve seen recommend testing of PTB every 5 years for those treated for Graves’ Disease with RAI.

    If you want the references, let me know.

    Elisa (

    Post count: 93172

    Hi All,
    First thanks for info on lumps. Barb you need to get your lump checked too, I did make an apointment with my Endo for thursday. Some of the feelings I feel are coming from the Beta blocker, I did cut down to 2 and started with palps again and flutters so went back to 3 the only thing is then it is harder to tolerate the heat and where I work it gets over 100 degrees in there. Boy when will it end huh?
    My question today is anyone had any damage to the Parathyroid? My GP ran a blood test to see if there is any damage. Just curious if anyone might have any info. ? Thanks………….Happy Thursday!
    Blessings, Sally

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