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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    WOW! This is so great to finally be getting news coverage of this disease! Why does it always take a famous person stepping forward with it to get the word out? HMMMM???? Ponderence!!!!! Whatever the cause of it getting out, I guess the important thing is that FINALLY!! they are making people aware of it!
    OH HAPPY DAY!!!!!!!

    Wishing All Of The Warriors Well,

    Post count: 93172

    Just wanted to share some good news! I had a follow-up visit with my ophthamologist today. He said that it looks like my eyes have pretty much corrected themselves. Said we could do a little “tuck” on the corner of one eye I wanted to, but he didn’t even seem to think it’s an issue. He recommended following closely with my regular optometrist when I try to go back to wearing contacts but released me from seeing him again!

    I know I’ve been lucky–my TED symptoms never got as bad as what some of you have had to endure. Trust me, I am very thankful for that!

    Just wanted to share to offer hope to those that are just starting to have problems with TED–it doesn’t always get really bad and require extensive treatment, but I am glad that I took Jake’s advice and got my eyes checked out when I started having some problems back in the spring!


    Post count: 93172

    Wonderful news! I’m really pleased for you.

    Bobbi — NGDF Online Facilitator

    Post count: 93172

    Yipeeee!! Hooray for you!!! It is WONDERFUL to read good news on the bulletin board!!! Congratulations=:)

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