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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I was looking to do some volunteer work in my community as well. How do you go about finding what you consider a worthwhile cause? I cant find a red cross chapter in my local area.
    Also how do you find time…I have lots of free time before school starts…but what about after? I was thinking I might be able to work for a suicide hotline since they must get lots of calls at night anyway<besides I’ll be studying psychology and I want to help people> and God knows I’m wide awake at night. I believe they will train you.
    I’ve wanted to volunteer to help the homeless at Christmas and other holidays but I used my children as an excuse not to…they are nearly grown now but I realized what a valuable lesson I could have taught them.
    Jake if you are reading this and you need some volunteers to find info on the web I will be happy to do this for the group. This is certainly a worthwhile cause.
    Its 7am and I’m wide awake. Hyper and cant go back to sleep. My resting pulse is 120 before I even got out of bed this morning.
    Wish you well,

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