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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    For you FM folk, you might want to try looking at and look up disease protocols, fibromyalgia, or also lookup autoimmune diseases. This is the web site of the Life Extension Foundation. I have used their information in helping my mom who has Parkinson’s disease. I find that there are some clues about the relationship between GD and FM on this site. Leaky Gut Syndrome is also related (Candida overgrowth (yeast overgrowth)is common in LGS.) I am not a good example of using these protocols, however, as I just found them today, and am still learning about them myself.
    Hi to the newcomers, I haven’t posted for a long time. I was DX’d August 1996, been on alternative therapies till Dec 96, then PTU in smaller and smaller amounts till now, July 98. I have had normal and stable thyroid levels since Feb 97. I include this for any of you who feel like the process is stalled. I feel well, and had wonderful friends and support on this bb. Just popping in to give a word of encouragement to you all. Karen

    Post count: 93172

    Good to read your post, I have been talking to my Chiropractor about this very same thing, I get just awful pains in my shoulders mainly left one also in my hips, we have been talking about this possably having something to do with Firbromyalgia. What do you take for this and how is it diagnoised? I do plan on visiting the sites you mentioned in your post.
    Thanks, and Blessings

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