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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    It sounds like everyone is having a great time at the conference. Has anyone heard who the mystery guest is?
    The BB was down for about a week and I must say that it was a very difficult week . I feel that everyone who posts here is like a very good friend, that if you do not here from them for a couple of days, you worry about them and hope that they are doing alright.

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Carole A.,

    I was at the conference too and had a really fun time! There was no mystery guest but I was made to feel very special. It seemed like it was a catchy type thing. I got it and passed it on to someone else. :)

    Next year I am going to go to the conference again. I am taking my husband with me. I am glad he did not go this year because I was able to spend my time the way I wanted.

    I don’t know how the conferences were in years past but if they get better each year I don’t know how they can top this one!

    They had a professional video guy who did an absolutely wonderful job of taping the conference. He did a preview video of the things he taped and I felt like I did whole week-end all over again!

    There is so much to tell! I will try to share the events of the conference as I post to the BB.

    Michele B.

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