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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Kristy

    Barbara Bush talks briefly about their experiences with Graves’ in her autobiography. I had read the book before I was diagnosed, and then after I found out I had Graves’ I went back and reread the parts where she talks about it. In a way, I feel that the whole subject was sort of glossed over. She talks a little bit about her symptoms before diagnosis, and about how Pres. Bush ended up in the hospital. She also talks about the coincidence of both of them getting it, and the the speculation that was going on regarding that (like having the water in the White House tested, and whether it had something to do with something they might have been exposed to in China). She really doesn’t even mention that either one of them had any sort of problems after the initial diagnosis.


    Post count: 93172

    I wasn’t aware that both the Bush’s suffered from
    Graves’ disease until I was diagnosed. After I found
    out, I remeber vaguely that George in his last year
    as president (is that right) was diagnosed and that
    he suffered with it through is run for a second term.
    My god…how hard it must have been to run a campaigne
    and have Graves’. When did Barbara have it? Did
    they become any kind of spokespeople for the disease
    during his presidency or afterwards? What course
    of action did they take? I assume that Barbara had
    Graves’ eye disease (and to think, I used to see her
    bulging eyes and wonder what was up?). Does anyone
    know the answers to these questions? Just curious.


    Post count: 93172

    I think the diagnosis happened when George was vice-president. According to (run by a dr. in Santa MOnica who I’ll be seeing next week) they tested the water at the vice-president’s mansion, because it was so unusual that George, Barbara and their dog MIllie all developed thyroid problems at the same time.

    I remember hearing that Barbara was diagnosed after she lost something like 30-40 pounds in a fairly short time period. My boyfriend remembers hearing that she wasn’t allowed to pick up Millie’s puppies after she was treated, so I guess we can assume she had RAI.

    Post count: 93172

    George just had it with his thyroid and it was easily controlled. Barbara had it hit her eyes. She was treated at the Mayo Clinic. There she had orbital radiaition treatments. I have written her and she wrote me back within days. I have her latter framed.


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