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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hello all, It has been ages since I have posted (or even read, for that matter). Things seemed to be going okay, but after 9 months I am still hypo following RAI. I have also come to realize that my personality has really changed over the past year…I’m *extremely* negative and I have a hard time finding much good about my life, even though I know it is good logically. Today I slept most of the day simply because I couldn’t bring myself to get up, shower, and go outside. I am beginning to wonder if I am depressed; yet is there really anything that can be done until I am no longer hypo? My husband wants me to talk to my endo about it but I just saw her last week and I didn’t say anything, so I’m feeling a bit silly about it all. Any thoughts any of you may have would be greatly appreciated.
    Shannon P.

    Post count: 93172

    Depression can go along with being Hypo or even Hyper. You need to talk
    to your endo or even your gp if you are unconfortable with your endo.
    Whatever you do know that you are not alone we are all here for you.I’m
    sure that someone with more experience on the subject will reply. In the
    meantime please take care of yourself only you know how you feel. If you
    need to talk you can e-mail me. Have you started on any throid meds yet?

    Take Care,
    Carole A

    Post count: 93172

    I was just wondering if anyone has been put on medication for the depression that accompanies graves? I’ve recently been diagnosed with depression and my doctor is aware of my graves. I’m not sure if the cause of the depression is only graves related or just a chemical imbalance. Anyways, I’ve been put on medication and it has worked wonderfully. I’ve been on it right at 6 weeks and it’s amazing how much better i feel. I was just wondering another thing also though…. if depression goes along with graves in some cases does it a chemical imbalance or is it just due to the stress of the disease? Thanks!!!!

    Post count: 93172

    I was on Paxil, then switched to Prozac because Paxil had some undesireable side effects for me. I think which ever med works for you is the way to go. I have not heard of one particular med to counter Graves, I think it’s which ever works best for the individual.

    Post count: 93172

    Hi, Celeste:

    I am glad to hear the medication is working for you. I don’t know that any of us can give you a definitive answer to your question. Becoming depressed is not uncommon when someone has a severe illness: and BEING hyperthyroid can make us severely ill. Also, the hormonal imbalance affects our entire body — much like menopause, or puberty hormonal changes affect the entire body. There can be depression associated with those hormonal changes, as well.

    What is causing YOUR particular problem we cannot know. If you can, just take one day at a time, and continue to work with your doctor.

    Bobbi — NGDF Online Facilitator

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