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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Dear Dee
    Hi there Dee how are you? Yes I’am guilty I have not been posting asI’m always too tired so Im probably sleeping anyways most of the day time i’m in bed asleep gosh I hate that thyroid drug he put me on,,at least I go to Toronto on Monday so Iwill have some questions for them,and yes I spoke with Shannon before she left and reassured her about Doctor Hurwitz as he is one of the ones I see there hes great top chief endr too so she will be in good hands take care Barb and hi to all
    little one barb

    Post count: 93172

    The board has really been dead..Hope everyone is doing well!


    Post count: 93172

    Hi, I haven’t been posting as much because I can’t seem to find the time to keep up. I guess I am feeling better. I am accomplishing daily tasks that my husband used to do for me. I am getting used to living with this double vision and when it is really bad I just have to slow down. It is the not being able to drive that really is frustrating.

    Yesterday when I went for my six month mammogram and checkup from my specialist he was telling me that he had another patient who was in the beginning stages of Graves Eye disease and was probably going to have the orbital irradiation soon. Then, when I was picking up a prescription the pharmacist said she had a friend who was having eye problems and trouble with double vision and she was just undergoing some tests. Funny, I find most people have never heard of Graves eye disease and then two people ask me about it in one day. In both cases I said it would be fine to give my phone number to these people as I know what it is like to start having all the symptoms and not have much information about what is going on. It was when my husband found this BB that I started to feel there were people who cared and understood and knew how I felt. If either of these people phone me I will certainly be telling them about the BB and all the links. This BB has been wonderful for obtaining both information and support. I hope if there are any newcomers out there that are a little hesitant to ask questions that they will ask away and start the information and support system rolling again. We all care.

    Have a good weekend everybody. SAS

    Post count: 93172

    Still around… just unable to get to the BB for weeks sometimes due to the outages & problms Archie mentioned. :-)

    Still in remission, over 1 year now! It’s kind of neat the way the Lord can use this: I have a friend I’ve made since I moved here to OH and after her baby was born she started having symptoms similar to mine two years ago. Well, her doctors wouldn’t even test her! For a few months they told her “Listen, you’ve got three kids now, it’s just your nerves.” I kept insisting that she get checked for hyperthyroidism and a doctor who goes to our church thought the same thing… so he tested her! Sure enough, she was VERY hyper… and I had lots of great info to pass on — but I think being able to understand and commisserate with her was what she needed most. It’s been 3 months now and she is feeling much, much better.

    Sooooo, while two years ago I was thinking “why me?” this is probably about the 10th time that God has shown me exactly “why me.”

    Blessings to all,

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Dee!
    I haven’t been posting because I haven’t been able
    to get on for about a month, and it was really frustrating.
    And with so few posts, I am probably not the only one
    having this trouble.
    Are we having problems with our internet DNS?

    Post count: 93172

    I can’t get into the board most of the time now. I have tried for two weeks without being able to access it, and I thought it was down again. Maybe others are having the same problem – ?

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